Academic Publications
Jewish & Israeli Graphic Novels
Matt Reingold (2015) James Sturm’s Market Day as contemporary commentary on the Jewish community, Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, 6:1, 91-99
Matt Reingold (2016) Jewish Sexualities in JT Waldman's Megillat Esther in Visualizing Jewish Narrative: Jewish Comics and Graphic Novels, Bloomsbury, 41-54.
Matt Reingold (2018) Rabbis, Rebbes, and Roshei Yeshiva: Jewish Religious Leadership in Recent Graphic Novels, Journal of Media and Religion, 17:3-4, 146-163
Matt Reingold (2019) American Jews explore Israel: Jewish and Israel identity exploration with Harvey Pekar and Sarah Glidden, Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, 10:5-6, 525-542
Matt Reingold (2019) Golems in the New World, Fafnir 6:1, 70-85.
Matt Reingold (2019) Heimat Across Space and Time in Nora Krug's Belonging, Monatshefte, 111:4, 551-569
Matt Reingold (2019) Israeli and Polish Holocaust Commemoration in Rutu Modan's The Property, The Journal of Holocaust Research, 33:3, 175-190
Matt Reingold (2019) The Heritage Broker and the Cultural Mediator: Navigating the Past and the Present in Liana Finck's A Bintel Brief: Love and Longing in Old New York, ImageText, 11:2.
Matt Reingold, (2019) Trying to Locate the Real Anne Frank in Recent Authorized Graphic Novels, Image & Narrative, 20:4.
Matt Reingold (2020) Critiquing Israeli Society Through Mirroring in Asaf Hanuka’s ‘The Realist.’ Contemporary Review of the Middle East 7:2, 165–80.
Matt Reingold (2020) Fantastical Autography in Asaf Hanuka's The Realist. Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies, 38:1, 146-166
Matt Reingold (2020) Getting Graphic: Depictions of Single Stories in Non-Fiction Graphic Novels about Israelis and Palestinians, Peace and Conflict Studies 27:1, Article 5
Matt Reingold (2020) Mapping Transformative Spaces: Maps as a Tool for Understanding Rites of Passage in Flying Couch and How to Understand Israel in 60 Days or Less, IMAGES 14:1, 40-53
Matt Reingold (2020) Redefining the Boundaries of the Sacred: An Exploration of Jewish Religious Texts and Graphic Novels, Postscripts: The Journal of Sacred Texts, Cultural Histories, and Contemporary Contexts, 11:1, 81–101
Matt Reingold (2021) A National Reckoning: Israeli Soldiers’ Depictions of Wartime Trauma in Autobiographical Graphic Novels, Journal of War & Culture Studies, 14:3, 324-344
Matt Reingold (2021) A Sharpened Pencil: The Evolving Political Commentary in Asaf Hanukah's "The Realist", Literature and Belief 40/41:2/1, 173-204.
Matt Reingold (2021) Autotransmogrification in Asaf Hanuka’s ‘The Realist’ as critique on Israeli society, Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, 12:3, 178-192
Matt Reingold (2021) International Migrations in Asaf Hanuka's HaYehudi HaAravi, Journal of Comics and Culture 6:1, 99-122
Matt Reingold (2021) Israeli graphic novels & the second Palestinian Intifada: ‘Jamilti’, Exit Wounds & Mike’s Place, Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, 12:5, 797-810
Matt Reingold (2021) On the Limits of Trauma: Postmemories in the Third-Generation Holocaust Graphic Novels Flying Couch and The Property, History & Memory 33:2, 135-157.
Matt Reingold (2021) Secular Jewish Identity in Asaf Hanuka's "The Realist", Israel Studies 26:2, 82-107
Matt Reingold (2022). Reenvisioning Israel through Political Cartoons: Visual Discourses During the 2018-2021 Electoral Crisis. Lexington Press.
Matt Reingold (2022) Unpacking the Past in Wordless and Braided Comics: Contemporary Mizrahi Graphic Novelists and Traumatic Historical Memories, Prooftexts 39:2, 277-305.
Matt Reingold (2023) Cartooning from the Right: Israel's Religious Zionist Cartoonists and the Judicial Overhaul. Journal of Modern Jewish Studies.
Matt Reingold (2023) Jewish Comics and Graphic Narratives: A Critical Guide. Bloomsbury.
Matt Reingold (2024) On Talking Birds and Jelly Donuts: Tracking New Developments in Israeli Comics. Journal of Comics and Graphic Novels.
Matt Reingold (2024) The Comics of Asaf Hanuka: Telling Particular and Universal Stories. Academic Studies Press.
Israel & Jewish Education
Matt Reingold (2014) Moses’ Black Wife: A Case Study Analysis of Secondary School Students’ Arts-Based Projects, Journal of Jewish Education, 80:2, 99-120
Matt Reingold (2015) Parshanut Through Art: The High School Student as Biblical Commentator, Journal of Jewish Education, 81:4, 398-412
Matt Reingold (2016) Exploring God: Using the Arts as a Way to Engage Secondary Students in Discussions About God, Religious Education, 111:2, 182-199
Matt Reingold (2017) Not the Israel of My Elementary School: An Exploration of Jewish-Canadian Secondary Students' Attempts to Process Morally Complex Israeli Narratives, The Social Studies, 108:3, 87-98.
Matt Reingold (2017) The ‘Draw-A-Religious Jew’ Test and Students’ Religious Identities, Art/Research International: A Transdisciplinary Journal 2:1, 89-109.
Matt Reingold (2018) Broadening Perspectives on Immigrant Experiences: Secondary Students Study the Absorption Difficulties Faced by Mizrachi Immigrants in Israel, Journal of Jewish Education, 84:3, 312-329.
Matt Reingold (2018) Student Perspectives on the Relevance and Importance of Arts-Based Learning. Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies 16 (2):21-33.
Matt Reingold (2019) Bridging the Divide through Graphic Novels: Teaching non-Jews’ Holocaust Narratives to Jewish Students, SANE journal: Sequential Art Narrative in Education 2:4, Article 3.
Matt Reingold (2019) Graphic Novels as Tools for Teaching Complexity About Israel, Journal of Jewish Education, 85:3, 312-333.
Matt Reingold (2020) Illustrating and Animating an Alternate Ending to the Israel Narrative: Creative Arts in Israel Education, Journal of Jewish Education, 86:4, 446-463.
Matt Reingold (2020) Studying anti-Semitism Using Primary Sources in Graphic Novels, Studies in Comics, 11:1, 109-126.
Matt Reingold (2021) Changing Students’ Perceptions by Humanizing Dati Israelis through Comics, Religious Education, 116:3, 278-295.
Matt Reingold (2021) Confronting BDS in the Classroom: Jewish High School Students Build Community by Watching BDS Demonstrations on University Campuses, Canadian Jewish Studies 31, 69-88.
Matt Reingold (2021) Meaningful Zoom Israel Education?: A 2020 Coronavirus Case Study on Emotionally Engaging Israel Learning, Journal of Jewish Education, 87:4, 417-443.
Matt Reingold (2021) Secondary Students’ Evolving Relationships and Connections with Israel, The Social Studies, 113:2, 53-67.
Matt Reingold (2023) Conclusion. In Teaching Israel, 355-379, Brandeis University Press
Matt Reingold, Alexa Jacob, Benjamin Day. (2023) Complex Texts and Complex Identities: Helping Students Navigate Personally and Emotionally Resonant Topics about Israeli Society. In Teaching Israel, 107-127, Brandeis University Press
Sivan Zakai and Matt Reingold (eds) (2023). Teaching Israel: Studies of Pedagogy from the Field. Brandeis University Press.
Matt Reingold (2024) Arts-Based Learning in Israel Education: A Qualitative Inquiry into Using Political Cartoons to Study Current Events in Israeli Society, Journal of Jewish Education, 90:2, 150-174.
Matt Reingold (2024) "Easier to Understand but More Difficult to Digest": Student Experiences with Israeli Yom HaZikaron Cartoons.
Matt Reingold (2024) Illustrating Thoughts & Feelings: Student-Produced Political Cartoons about Israel, SANE Journal, 2: 8.
Matt Reingold (2024) Look What You Made Me Do: Jewish Swifties and A Fundraiser for Gaza, Journal of Jewish Identities, 17:2, 161-184.
Matt Reingold and Shira Reznik (2024) Heartless: Jewish Teens, Antisemitism, and Unfollowing Kanye West.
Matt Reingold and Shira Reznik (2024) Navigating Crisis Together: Canadian Jews, Israel, and October 7. Contemporary Jewry.